Alice Luker | Poseidon's Courtesan | The Creatives

Stylist Holly Cox is inspired by the sea in UK photographer Alice Luker’s photo shoot ‘Poseidon’s Courtesan’. The focus of the shoot is a young goddess woman seriously absorbed in her own beauty. Luker reminds us that beauty and vanity can also be a curse with a much darker side.

Stopping by Alice Luker’s website:

Alice’s photographic works offer a visual representation of her unique perspective, exploring the depths of beauty and fantasy. Whilst portraying elements of a classical painterly aesthetic, her work retains relevance to 21st century culture, exploring the realm of the ‘ideal’ and emphasising its influence on high fashion.

On the subject of beauty, vanity and aging, both Anne and AOC contributor Ellen Gayda wrote submissions to Vogue Italia’s Citizen Journalism #2 Body: treatment or obsession.


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