Cara Delevingne Tongues LOVE Magazine #9 Cover While Kim Kardashian Forgets Cara Exists

LOVE Magazine shares yet another cover for its 13th issue, this one featuring Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevigne.

One of Kim’s solo covers has disappeared from Instagram. It features her naked butt with a cover line ‘Kim Wears Prada. Kardashian also wears full frontal Prada clothes on another LOVE cover.

It’s fair to say that neither of these covers — especially Cara and Kim — have the sizzle of LOVE’s Kate Moss/Lea T cover for LOVE’s androgyny issue.  Cara’s great, but her tongue hanging out always reminds us of why we never related to her as a La Perla model. Like it or not, Cara is becoming a cariacature, tonguing everything in sight.

Lingerie models should exude an innate sensuality … and Cara is keeping hers under wraps, at least for popular consumption most days. In today’s onslaught of relentless images of models and celebrities, consumers remember the totality of a models’s persona, not a single moment in the studio spent posing for a brand’s art/creative director.

Cara’s tongue is rivaled only by Mick Jagger’s but it just doesn’t have the same effect in the supersexy category, in our humble opinion.

To be fair, Cara did a great collaboration with Kate Moss for the recent Burberry campaign, but she revavealed being positively giddy over the thought that Kate was naked under her trench coat. We expect such glee from puerile school boys, not a lingerie model in an age when female bisexuality is totally out of the closet and most women can positively embrace another’s sexual self.

Has Cara Delevingne mastered the art of faking it? Cara supposedly keeps a miniculous sex diary, rating the more tha 100 guys and girls she’s slept with, The top model is on the record preferring the company of women generally — saying that men only want to sleep with her. Note that Delevingne also proudly says she uses men for sex … so equality appears to dominate her sexual excapades. That is good news! ~ Anne