Sen. Barbara Mikulski & Rep. John Lewis Place Hillary Clinton's Name in Nomination for US President

Sen. Barbara Mikulski to nominate Clinton Politico

This moment outgoing Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski -- the longest-serving woman in the Senate -- is placing Hillary Clinton's name in nomination for America's first woman president. The nomination will be seconded by Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a civil rights leader, as well as Na'ilah Amaru, the winner of an online campaign contest. The above photo was taken at an earlier time. Clinton herself will not appear until Thursday evening July 28.

Michelle Obama Joins Forces With Her Predecessor New York Times

America's beloved First lady Michelle Obama delivered an epic speech Monday night at the Democratic National Convention.  Standing before a sea of delegates waving purple signs that read “Michelle,” Mrs. Obama urged the party to do for Mrs. Clinton what they did for her husband.

It's been reported over the years that Michelle and Hillary do not have a particularly close relationship. If true, there was no evidence of a chasm last night, as Michelle Obama extolled Hillary's talents and qualifications and yes -- the glass ceiling she could break through.

“When crisis hits, we don’t turn against each other. No, we listen to each other, we lean on each other, because we are always stronger together,” Mrs. Obama said. “I am here tonight because I know that that is the kind of president Hillary Clinton will be.”

Children had a prominent focus in the speech, as the first lady said Americans must choose a president who will be a good role model for children, with the power to “shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives.”

“Our friend Hillary Clinton,” she said, is the only candidate in the race she trusted with that responsibility. Speaking with total grace and an occasional tear, it was very clear that Hillary Clinton has a champion in Michelle Obama.

The Hillary Haters by Michele Goldberg Slate

In 1996, the New Yorker published “Hating Hillary,” Henry Louis Gates’ reported piece on the widespread animosity for the then–first lady. “Like horse-racing, Hillary-hating has become one of those national pastimes which unite the élite and the lumpen,” Gates wrote. “[T]here’s just something about her that pisses people off,” the renowned Washington hostess Sally Quinn told Gates. “This is the reaction that she elicits from people.”

Poll: No Post-Convention Bounce for Donald Trump NBC News

" Donald Trump received no significant bounce following the Republican National Convention, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll. Hillary Clinton still leads Trump by a single point: 46 percent to 45 percent. These numbers are unchanged from last week.

The Trump-Mike Pence ticket saw a modest boost in favorability among Republicans. Independents — the true persuadable voters — were less than enthusiastic about what they saw or heard about the GOP convention, according to the weekly tracking poll, conducted online from July 18 through July 24 among 12,931 adults who say they are registered to vote. "

Hillary Clinton Headlines July 26, 2016

Why Putin hates Hillary Politico

Hillary, This Is Why Democrats Are Still Struggling by David Brooks New York Times

Sanders: 'Clinton must become the next president' Politico

As Democrats Gather, a Russian Subplot Raises Intrigue New York Times

The Biggest GOP Names Backing Hillary Clinton The Daily Beast

Trump Under Oath: New Testimony Says He Planned Early Anti-Immigrant Rant Politico

Moderates and Centrists and Mad as Hell at Both Parties The Daily Beast

Sanders Finds Starting a Revolution Easier Than Reining It In Bloomberg Politics

Democrats Prepare to Nominate Hillary Clinton Despite Sharp Divisions The New York Times