FiveThirtyEight Gives Clinton 72% Chance of Winning Election | CNN Gets Busted On Very Bad Poll

Hillary Clinton Polls | Despite What Trump Tweets, FiveThirtyEight Isn't A Pollster FiveThirtyEight

Much is being made of today's CNN poll, which shows a tightening national presidential race and Trump ahead by 1-2 pts. We're not posting it because the sample has way more Republicans than voted in the 2012 presidential election and current party registration and -- even more important -- the poll carries a massive assumption that whereas in 2012 35% of Republican voters did not have a college degree, today's CNN poll assumes that 50% of this year's voters will be non-college degree Republican voters. Now that might happen because so many college-educated Republicans are supporting Hillary. But the CNN poll didn't query that mix. 

Today's NBC/Survey Monkey poll based on a much larger sample disagree with it, keeping Hillary with her same lead, we have now a massive poll of over 74,000 respondents in all 50 states, and it renders the CNN poll as irrelevant.

We all think this election will be tight and turnout is everything. But most factors point to a strong Clinton win. College-educated Republicans generally are supporting Clinton, as we've seen in other polls, and college-educated Republican women are the big win. ~ Anne

A new 50-state poll shows exactly why Clinton holds the advantage over Trump Washington Post

"The massive survey highlights a critical weakness in Trump’s candidacy — an unprecedented deficit for a Republican among college-educated white voters, especially women. White college graduates have been loyal Republican voters in recent elections, but Trump is behind Clinton with this group across much of the country, including in some solidly red states."

Clinton Holds Steady Against Trump As Campaign Enters Final Weeks: Poll NBC News

Hillary Clinton's national lead over Donald Trump is holding steady at 6 points, based on the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.

Clinton 48% support against Trump's 42% — is unchanged from last week. The latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll was conducted online from August 29 through September 4 among registered voters, part of the SurveyMonkey database over about 32,250 people. .

Clinton continues to dominate the Northeast and West with 16 pt leads, but Trump remains competitive in the South and Midwest. Trump and Clinton are now tied in the Midwest — which includes crucial battleground states like Ohio and Iowa — and Trump has a 1-point lead in the South, which is actually not strong at all. 

Hillary Clinton: Bill Shouldn't Step Down From Foundation Until After I Win NBC News

We are seeing here how the media works, with NBC showing the Politico article about CGI initiative from last week. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no serious credence given to the article, but I will check again.

For transparency, I am a huge supporter of the Clinton Foundation. It occurred to me this am that the media also never talks about this right-wing obsession with a new world order. The Clintons are accused of being at the top of this pyramid which is run by the intelligensia, backed by billionaires. The right-wing wants to take down the Clinton Foundation at any cost to the poor people it serves. We should consider this effort to make Bill Clinton resign now and basically dismantle the Clinton Foundation as part of this larger effort. ~ Anne

For Warren and her allies, a fight over Clinton's hires Politico

In spite of the headline and the legitimate argument that the most ardent progressives can't demand appointments like they are some kind of fiefdom, the story is meaty and not adversarial. Elizabeth Warren is a reasonable woman. Of note is not only Hillary's appointment of Rohit Chopra to the transition team, but the appointment of Heather Boushey, very popular for her views on income inequality (we'll write more about her), as the transition team's chief economist.

Hillary Clinton Headlines Sept. 6, 2016

Has Trump hit his ceiling? Politico

The Essential Cowardice of Donald Trump The Atlantic

Trump: "I don't know why 'birthism' would upset voters" Politico

How Donald Trump Lost His Mojo Rolling Stone

When Hillary Clinton Coughs The Atlantic

Clinton turns off autopilot Politico