Kenyan Artist Tahir Brings Visions Of Nairobi'S Jua Kali Economy To Brooklyn, NY

Tahir is an artist and photographer living in Brooklyn, NY but born and raised in Nairobi. Talking about his artistic vision, Tahir Carl Marmali explains: "My background in ink painting and fine art studio practice guided my photography process. I am keenly interested in socioeconomics and the movement of people – in my work I often take portraits of groups of people with objects I feel best describe their disposition."

The artist has a show set to close on March 26 in Brooklyn, magnificent images that focus on Nairobi's Jua Kali workforce.

Stemming from the practice of curating one’s life experiences to generate a perceived self-image, JUA KALI is inspired by the informal sector that breathes character into Nairobi’s economy. The Jua Kali workforce is built from the opportunistic personality and perseverance of Jua Kali workers, who use locally available recycled or found objects to develop their creations. This practice of reclamation, common to Nairobi, informs both the composition of these works and the proudly defined sense of self unmistakably present in the Jua Kali philosophy.
Each portrait visits a personality who has carved a surreal identity for themselves within the Jua Kali world. The images intimate the idea of found objects as personal adornment, creating a synergy of circuits and flesh that elevate the subject to superhuman status.
JUA KALI is Swahili for “Fierce Sun” – an old phrase referring to the laborers that worked under scorching daytime conditions. Its contemporary use has broadened to mean people that work in the informal economy, yet the stigma that such a life is substandard remains. In reality, it is the Jua Kali sector that fuels the city of Nairobi: with thrift, earnestness, passion and creativity.

OkayAfrica interviews Tahir Carl Marmali about his unique vision of Nairobi's informal economy workers. A quick overview of the role of women in the Jua Kali economy finds them very active but struggling, as are all workers in this marginal sector. Access to capital to stabilize and expand a successful Jua Kali business endeavor remains a major challenge for these hard-working entrepreneurs.