Hillary Clinton Set to Appear In March 16 'Broad City'

'Broad City' stars Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer shared at a SXSW panel on Saturday that 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will appear on Wednesday's episode, March 16. The show's plot shows Glazer's character -- who has been fired for tweeting a bestiality video on her employer's corporate Twitter account -- connecting with the Clinton campaign.

Questioned on the SXSW panel, a young woman asked Glazer and Jacobson why those chose Clinton and not Sanders to showcase, suggesting that Sanders was a better values fit. Jacobson said: "That's not our show, really, we're not making a political stance here. It was really more that this is something Ilana's character would do. And Hillary, regardless of where we stand — and we love Hillary — Hillary is such an iconic figure right now and she has been." Glazer also responded to the question, saying, "We're trying to make really good TV. I wonder how you'll feel after seeing it. I think you'll agree that it's a really good episode of TV because Hillary Clinton is in it."

'Broad City's executive producer Amy Poehler supports Clinton.

Glazer doesn't think they'll be campaigning for Clinton in the near future, but not because they don't support her. "I don't know if that's helpful," says Glazer. "We're these pot smoking characters."

And then there's the matter of the bestiality video.