Salivating Over Alleged Russian Dirt On Hillary, Donald Trump Jr. Emailed '" Love It."

"I love it," was Donald Trump Jr.'s response to news from Russian music publicist Rob Goldstone that the Russians had documents that would "incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia." The New York Times broke its report on the meeting that followed -- one that brought Donald Trump Jr., presidential adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort into a 20-minute, largely unsatisfactory encounter with Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya

Goldstone represents Emin Agalarov, known professionally as Emin, one of Russia's biggest pop stars. His father is Aras Agalarov, a real estate magnate sometimes called the "Donald Trump of Russia." The father boasts close ties to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, having won several large state building contracts and being personally awarded by Putin the "Order of Honor of the Russian Federation."

The father Agalarov was Donald Trump Sr.'s partner in bringing the Miss Universe contest to Moscow in 2013. As a result, the Trump and Agalarov families grew relatively close, although the hoped-for Trump Hotel Moscow has not materialized. 

The meeting brought nothing of value to the table, according to Donald Trump Jr. Minutes ago, in advance of a release of the emails by the Times, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted them for the world to see. 

Related: The Donald Trump Jr. emails change everything. Vox