Ivanka Preaches 'Eat Organic' While Dad Reverses Ban On Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

As a progressive independent, Ivanka Trump talked a good game -- advocating on countless opinions that differ with the core beliefs of the mostly white men who occupy positions of power in the Trump administration.  One can track Ivanka Trump's silence on a daily basis as her father decimates countless programs and safeguards for American families. 

Ivanka's latest silence mode -- as a key adviser to her father -- fell over the president's decision to give a reprieve to Dow Chemical's pesticide chlorpyrifos. Dow CEO Andrew Liveris is the head of President Trump's new American Manufacturing Council. Oh, and he also donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration. Before his election as president, Trump called activities like this "pay to play" and he promised to end them as he cleaned up the DC swamp. What a hoot!!!

Writing for The Daily Beast, Michael Daly fills in the details of Ivanka's "mum's the word" stance in spraying fruits and veggies with a pesticide due to be banned for agricultural use after more than 24 studies finding "chlorpyrifos to be  a neurotoxin that very likely affects the development of children’s brains, most particularly if the exposure is prenatal." The pesticide was banned in residential use 17 years ago. 

Ivanka's health coach for IvankaTrump.com agrees, saying: “The average conventional apple is sprayed with over 45 different chemicals, including six that are known or suspected carcinogens, 16 suspected hormone disruptors, five neurotoxins (a.k.a brain cell killers), and six developmental or reproductive toxins… It is definitely worth the premium price tag.”

In the Trump administration, the advice to "eat organic" as espoused by his dear daughter Ivanka is only for the elite, who must protect children's brains for the elite at all cost. As for the rest of America's children, "let them eat cake" as the expression goes. Or specifically from her father's Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, let the kids eat chlorpyrifos. 

As an aside, the Trump the president believes that autism and vaccinations are connected. But he apparently has no concerns about research like this 2014 article about a California study reported in Scientific American saying: "When women in the second trimester lived near fields treated with chlorpyrifos – the most commonly applied organophosphate pesticide – their children were 3.3 times more likely to have autism, according to the study."

We don't know what causes autism, but for Trump to speak openly about vaccinations and autism -- without a single scientific study confirming the risk because the one small study was withdrawn as discredited -- and then reward his pay-to-play Dow chemical CEO with a pass on chlorpyrifos is pretty darn hard to comprehend.