Kim Basinger Fronts 'Strong Suit' Lensed By David Bellemere For The Edit Magazine

Kim Basinger Fronts 'Strong Suit' Lensed By David Bellemere For The Edit Magazine AOC Fashion & Style

Actor and activist Kim Basinger reflects with The Edit on her 2002 public, very nasty divorce from Alex Baldwin, her daughter Ireland, and her role as Christian Grey's former lover in 'Fifty Shades Darker. '

In AOC Women's News, Basinger does an in-depth on her strong role as a dominatrix in the sequel to 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and we share one of the sexiest scenes in movie history -- the food scene from Basinger and Mickey Rourke's "Nine and A Half Weeks'.

Kim Basinger's Victories For Whales

Basinger has a long history of fighting for whales, joining the long list of activists and celebrities demanding that SeaWorld phase out its program of captive orcas for public display. SeaWorld announced last month that it's ending its program and will not breed any further orca whales.

PETA demanded this week that the remaining orcas be moved to sea sanctuaries, similar to the one used to reintroduce Keiko, the orca made famous in 'Free Willy', from captivity to ocean waters. The LA Times reports:

But SeaWorld officials said in a statement that the discussion is a non-starter. Given the ages of the animals, the length of time they've spent with humans and the relationships they've formed with other whales, SeaWorld said transporting the orcas to sea pens would do more harm than good.