Hillary Clinton Turns A New Page In Her Campaign With Thursday 9/10 Chat on Ellen & Promise To Be Funny

Hillary Clinton Turns A New Page In Her Campaign With Thursday 9/10 Chat on Ellen & Promise To Be Funny

When Andrea Mitchell pointed out to Hillary Clinton that she is not perceived as being authentic, Hillary Clinton Resources just sighed. The problem is a common one for women in the public eye. Females are expected to be ‘authentic’ in a way that men are not.

The bar for public female authenticity is much, much higher, maybe insurmountable. In a NYT op-ed titled “Speaking While Female,” Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant wrote about how hard it is for women leaders—in business, or anywhere—to be heard over the white noise of judgmental, sexist filters.

Psychologist Nina Burrowes, author of ‘The Little Book on Authenticity’ reminds us that authenticity is writing your own story. Being under the microscope 24/7 and constantly assessed and analyzed, just how does Hillary do that?