Will Cheryl Mills Be The First Woman Chief Of Staff In A Hillary Clinton Administration?

 Will Cheryl Mills Be The First Woman Chief Of Staff In A Hillary Clinton  AOC Hillary Women

Politico profiles Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s 50-year-old former chief of staff at the State Department and a family attorney dating back to the early’90s.

A Unique Relationship

As journalists and researchers scour Hillary’s emails looking for a bombshell and discovering none so far, they have marveled over the unique relationship between Hillary Clinton and Mills, who served as Senior Adviser and Counsel for Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign and then as Counselor and Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Cheryl Mills serves as a senior adviser to the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Cheryl Mills is scheduled to testify before the House Benghazi Committee on Thursday, September 3. Politico reported yesterday that her request to testify in public for fear of selective leaks against Hillary Clinton has been denied. Read on in our new Hillary Clinton Women Channel.