Raquel Zimmermann by Ancestral Voices in Robin Galiegue Images for TTA21

Raquel Zimmermann by Ancestral Voices in Robin Galiegue Images for TTA21 AOC Fashion

Top model and ceramic artist Raquel Zimmermann is a fashion and culture focus for The Travel Almanac FW2022 issue. Clare Byrne styles the restrained, modest fashion silhouettes with Bottega Veneta on the cover. /Hair by Lucas Wilson; makeup by Cyndle Komarovski

Michele Fossi interviews Zimmermann about her artistry in images so sublime that I just ordered the issue, $30 including shipping which is beyond fair for a print issue of this quality.

The organic sensuality of Raquel Zimmermann’s ceramics is almost visceral to AOC eyes. There are artists and talents who are very focused on outward visualization, while others channel the unconscious mind and ancestral voices, compelled to go deeper into the human experience in a universal way.

Raquel’s art is absolutely in the second category. Appealing to appreciative eyes on the surface, and deeply feminine [not sure if I can use the word anymore] principles, her vessels speak to human history with profundity.

The entire fashion story works in concert with this latter theme, and the images by Robin Galiegue [IG] communicate this narrative as well.

The large-scale sculptures of Louise Nevelson are speaking to me in this moment, along with a pause for thought on her foundation website. I drop the artist’s words into your viewing experience with the images. ~ Anne

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