Malika El Maslouhi Holiday Moves by Giampaolo Sgura for Sunday Times Style UK

Model Malika El Maslouhi puts some serious energy into the weekend’s Sunday Times Style Magazine UK cover story featuring ‘Bring it on!’ . The spirit is joy and movement with a focus on “272 luxury gifts you’ll really, really want.” Verity Parker styles El Maslouhi in bold-colors clothes lensed by Giampaolo Sgura [IG]. /Executive producer Leila Hartley; hair by Franco Gobbi; makeup by Cosetta Giorgietti

El Maslouhi’s poses reminds us that scientific evidence is mounting around the ways that moving our bodies changes our brains and helps enormously with stress management, both short-term and long. If joy is in fashion’s current mindset, the science around possessions and well-being or happiness remains murky. In fact, science delineates between well-being and happiness, on the topic of material wealth.

The reasons why body movement and exercise improve brain health and positivity are not definitely clear either. But all science agrees that movement is attached to joy and a positive mental outlook, whether resulting from stress management, that elusive endorphin-rush you read about or both.