DAME Is First Period Brand to Be Climate Positive | Fish Rejoice

Celia Pool and Alec Mills, founders of DAME period products and delivery.

DAME Is First Period Brand to Be Climate Positive | Fish Rejoice AOC Women

Most young entrepreneurs struggle to be taken seriously by potential investors. Imagine having raised capital from investors to support DAME, a subscription service delivery a range of London high street period products to women living in the UK, and returning to investors with an ethical problem is epic proportions in the business model. In one word: sustainability. .

“Pivoting the business was a real challenge,” co-founder Celia Pool recalled for Forbes. “Having to go to our investors and say that we no longer believed in the synthetic single-use products that we were selling, and we wanted to design our own was a big thing.

“We had a lot to prove,” Pool continued, explaining how she and business partner Alec Mills, brought their new sustainable tampon and applicator to market in early 2019.

Dazed Digital shares another major milestone development in DAME’s road to success.

Let’s ground ourselves in facts.

Tampons and sanitary pads are estimated to produce over 100 billion pieces of waste every year and they are the fifth-most common type of waste washing up on beaches, with nine plastic tampon applicators found per kilometre on UK beaches according to the Women’s Environmental Network. With the average woman using around 12,000 tampons in her life, each of them contributes 24,000 pieces of plastic to landfill, as most applicators have two plastic parts.

That is one sobering paragraph for ALL women who have a degree of choice in our lives — and that includes menopausal women with granddaughters. We all have obligations to saving our planet, but this is one subject all women can relate to.

DAME Is First Period Brand to Be Climate Positive Read on in AOC Women