Br. Dennis on Dreams, Healing & Falling into the Elevator Shaft

Neva Rok & Nevena Gicevic | Dusan Jaukovic | Morfium ‘Chasing Dreams’ AOC Private Studio

Dear Anne,

Your voice reaches into my heart and spirit, calling forth myriad of spiritual premises.  They have fused together forming the core of my deepest convictions in knowing.  So far, my life’s journey has revealed spiritual threads weaving through ideologies, philosophies, rituals and behavior.  Conversely, in fulfilling my vocation that was conceived as a child, I have made every attempt to accomplish the tasks that has moved my will through the darkest of times. In light of our communications, I have found an opportunity through 2Ps in a Pod to be a vehicle that enables a much-bridled experience to be used in service to others.  Thank you for this gift.

Engaged in your writing, I was unsure of your destination of thought.  Completing the read, I was awash with nimble responses from my heart (affected by four decades of relationships—the good, the bad and the excruciating) and spirit (steeped within my life of prayer and Carmelite tradition of spirituality and mysticism) though unsure of which portion of your experience to engage. (Note: Bro. Dennis will write more than one post, focused on Anne’s Profane & Profound Unite for Easeamine Skincare Beauty.)

Most vulnerable, yet simple, would be my understanding of your dream, which easily could be wrought with error.  The vulnerability lay in the approach of my understanding.  Accordingly, I discern your dream through an intuitive/discursive approach that emerges from within.

Here’s to jumping into the water—head first!  

On Dreams

Dreams are a manifestation of the subconscious/hidden aspects of our mind (intellect), heart, spirit and or soul.  Being composed of such elements, our nature beckons our existence to healing, wholeness and truth.  Avoiding, deflecting or repressing our primordial need for wholeness results in dysfunctional patterns of behavior, which are often times self-destructive.

Truth and fear are pervasive in their ability to influence our responses and reactions to circumstances.  When we respond, we are “in control” and are capable of accessing the inner resources of our intellect, heart, spirit and soul.  However, when we react, we are “not in control” and inclined to repeat dysfunctional patterns of behavior steeped in the history that was handed down to us by those who tended to our years of dependence on being nurtured.

Love As A Powerful Virtue

Love is the most powerful virtue and attribute that exist in life.  It is a pivotal experience and expression that affects us at a time in our early life between birth and five years old (not exclusively).  The effect has direct influence over our ability to give and receive—relative to relationship. It also has a compelling force over our conscious or unconscious choice to actively love regardless of the circumstances.

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