Congo General Kibibi Sentenced To 20 Yrs For Raping Women

We are incredulous to learn that an open-air military tribunal in eastern Congo has actually convicted Colonel Kibibi of ordering the rape, pillage and plunder of the New Year’s Day rampage in Fizi.

ABC News Australia reports that Kibibi is the most senior Congolese military officer ever to be charged with mass rape — a huge problem for women of the Congo — and sentenced to 20 years in jail. Eight of Kibibi’s subordinates were also found guilty, receiving sentences between 10 and 20 years.

The government has been ordered to pay compensation to the more than 50 women who were raped in the Kibibi attack.

“In handing down the sentence, military judge Colonel Mkendi found the men guilty not just of rape but of crimes against humanity.”

More Women of Congo: