Florida Lawmakers Say They Will Not Debate Gun Control But Declare Porn A Health Risk

A small group of Parkland students arrive in Tallahassee, Fla state capitol ahead of Wednesday's students, to watch the legislature refuse to debate gun control the same day they declared porn a health risk to these students.

After posting on FB last night that South Carolina lawmakers want to declare gay marriage a 'parody marriage', I see that Fla lawmakers are also very, very busy.

Our brave Parkland kids rose the buses for 8 hrs. yesterday to their state capitol -- sleeping in the civic center w/their parent minders Tuesday night -- even though Fla legislators announced yesterday that there is no way they will debate an assault weapon ban or other gun legislation.

BUT the legislators DID have time to declare porn a health risk, reports BuzzFeed. .

I REPEAT, Fla legislators declared porn to be health risk but say they will NOT debate gun control in any form. My international friends, this is the state of the American conservative Republican mind today, the Trump mind in action.

More guns. Less porn. Maybe porn is so important to them because they buy more of it and watch it on Sunday. The credit card companies have worked in HUGE research studies -- like 500,000 porn purchases -- to identify by state and date bought.

Throw these bums OUT! I repeat. Throw these bums OUT, OUT, OUT! If you believe getting rid of porn is more important than gun legislation, which Americans overwhelmingly support, then these kids will lead a movement to get you OUT of office.

I am not optimistic that the kids will seriously change the laws. But I AM optimistic that they will clarify just how misguided our legislators are in what is important and a TRUE danger to the health of our kids. These kids will strip them naked in their right-wing priorities.

Note that I'm not speaking of all conservatives, several of whom I really like and agree with. I am speaking of religious bigots, the so-called words of God tribe who has installed their man Trump in office..

Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn, joined the Clooney's and Oprah, with a $500,000 commitment to March for Our Lives, calling the Parkland students "remarkable young people" -- and they are.