Half A Century After Femism #2, Dramatic Lack of Women in Power Remains the Norm | Obama @ Smith Commencement

Remi Rebillard’s Alana in ‘Plein Solei’ Is A Welcome Respite from the Republican War on Women SN Platinum Screen

Note | Nudity I apologized to Remy Rebillard this morning for not staying on the schedule that I set for releasing his gorgeously sensual and artistically inspiring images of Alana in “Plein Soleil”, inspired by a French classic movie from 1960.

“So sorry, Remy,” I said. “Saturday became a huge push to get ProFlowers to drop their sponsorship of Rush Limbaugh for calling us Smart Sensuality women — and one in particular named Sandra Fluke — “whores” and “sluts”.

Then there’s the small matter of my being called a whore, slut and worse myself — multiple times since December, in responding to a request from a nonprofit, monastery-based skin care company in Massachusetts.”

Lisa took on the Catholic Church patriarchy last night for their treatment of me and all women worldwide in Conservative Catholics Demand End to Bro Dennis & Anne Blog.

All in all it was a wicked weekend, topped off with my agreement to become the Pa media liaison for the National March Against the War on Women 4.28.12. You can read the details in this morning’s Elise & Saskia’s Body Armor for American Women | Interview Magazine March 2012.

Remi handled our delay like the gentleman that he is, even offering to drive up to Palm Beach from Miami and tag Rush’s house with my name — Anne Feminazi.

Daily French Roast

Anne is reading …

Half a century after the second wave of feminism swept America, women are relatively absent from the processes of governance in politics, church hierarchies, and business that determine the details of their lives. “Throughout American society, the dramatic underrepresentation of women at the top remains the norm,” writes The Daily Beast in Women and the Leadership Gap.

Men run most American institutions and make most key political, executive, policy and spiritual decisions in the United States.

Nor are such imbalances improving; in most areas, women’s advancement has flatlined in recent years. “I think we are stuck in the muck,” says Kathryn Kolbert, director of the Athena Center for Leadership Studies at Barnard. “We made great progress on the rights front in the 1970’s, and life has changed significantly, but progress for women has plateaued in rights, in leadership, and in the ability to contribute equally in social and cultural affairs.”

Gloria Steinem weighs in on facts we discuss constantly at AOC. American exceptionalism is based on a very traditional model of men running our lives and women being in charge of the home. Indeed American women have gone to work in the last 50 years. Most women work presently.

“We have less parental leave, less sick leave, and less child care than Europe; we’re much worse off than any modern democracy,” Steinem points out. Just three countries in the world have no paid parental leave: Papua New Guinea, Swaziland and the United States of America.

More DFR

War on Women Roundup

Viagra Ultrasounds

In Illinois, lawmaker State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D) has proposed an amendment to a state mandatory ultrasound bill that would require men to watch a graphic video about the side effects of Viagra before being legally able to receive a prescription for it.

Obama at Barnard College

President Obama will make this year’s commencement at Barnard College on May 14. Expected to address directly the Republican War on Women, the decision to speak at Barnard will offer the President an opportunity to speak directly to Republican desires to roll back women’s rights for America’s young women.

The President is expected to be more adept at speaking to a group of female graduates than say Adlai E. Stevenson, who gave the 1955 commencement speech at Smith College.  Steven advised graduates of the prestigious institution that their job should be to influence “man and boy” through the “humble role of housewife’, writes the New York Times.

What Revelation Reveals Wall Street Journal

Conservative Catholics Demand End to Bro Dennis & Anne 2Ps in a Pod Blog AOC Sensual Rebel