NIKE SS2019 Women's Campaign By Hart Leshkina Promotes NIKE FE/NOM Sports Bra

NIKE SS2019 Women's Campaign By Hart Leshkina Promotes NIKE FE/NOM Sports Bra

"I think right now there is just incredible momentum in women's sports and we are excited to support and inspire this next generation of female athletes heading into this World Cup," Amy Montagne, Nike's vice president of global categories said about NIKE’s decision to focus heavily on women in sports during the entire year of 2019.

NIKE’S decision to promote and invest in women comes after high-level resignations/firings in 2018, including that of NIKE brand president Trevor Edwards and NIKE vice president Jayme Martin.

March 2018 reports in The Wall Street Journal said both executives “protected male subordinates who engaged in behavior that was demeaning to female colleagues,” and bullied “women and individuals from foreign countries.”

A through investigation into NIKE’s frat-boy corporate culture came after a series of anonymous but damning public Glassdoor reviews.