Crystal Renn | High Street Scorching in Britain's Look Magazine

It’s not our intention to write about Crystal Renn every week. But when the ravishingly beautiful, curvaceous model is grabbing global headlines with the best of cover girls, we say ‘let’s celebrate’.

This week Crystal Renn is bowing to accolades in Look magazine, wearing High Street clothing British style. The Daily Mail refers to Crystal as a size 14 model, translated size 10 US.  She’s looking voluptuous, healthy and scorchingingly sexy.

Crystal Renn wears her sexuality like a perfect-fit white glove.

We agree that Crystal Renn isn’t a coat rack — the favored body shape by many high-end designers. And while we embrace a wide range of healthy body types for all women, Anne of Carversville isn’t the kind of website likely to promote women as coat racks — or door mats. Woops. That sounds political, doesn’t it.

Hmmm … women as coat racks … women as door mats. The two go together, wouldn’t you say? At least in some cases? Looking good, Crystal. Anne